Join workers and community members on Tuesday, March 12th as we launch our plan for the Philly People’s Budget — just days before the Mayor’s budget address.
A safe and thriving city requires fully-staffed city services with full funding. This year we’re demanding full staffing and funding for: the Community College of Philadelphia, frontline services like recreation centers, parks and libraries, mobile crisis units, workplace protections and renter protections.
The wealth to fund our city exists — and we’re coming together to demand City Hall stand with working people, not Big Business! Join us as we launch our People’s Budget on Tuesday March 12th at 11:45AM on the North Apron of City Hall. RSVP here!
On 2.1.24, we partnered with Straight Ahead, 57 Blocks, and Healing Communities PA to demand investment in communities, programs not prison, housing not handcuffs, and treatment not trauma.
On 6/1/23 we shared our demand for $3 million in additional funding to reduce wait times, hire and retain staff, and ensure that all mobile crisis teams can operate 24/7. It was encouraging to hear a number of Council Members voiced their support for increased funding for mobile crisis teams, including Kendra Brooks, Jamie Gautier, Sharon Vaughn, Mark Squilla, Mike Driscoll, and incoming member Rue Landau We are hopeful the city will prioritize mobile crisis teams and allocate the resources we need to expand these life-saving services. See more here.
Treatment Not Trauma in white lettering on a purple background, with text below that reads “Press Conference with council members Brooks and Gauthier call for funding of mobile crisis units, join us! June 1st, 9AM, Northeast Side of City Hall.”
“Phone Zap! May 30th and 31st call your council member to urge them to attend the press conference! Demand they support council members Brooks & Gauthier in advocating for $3 million in additional funding to reduce wait times; hire and retain staff for mobile crisis units with competitive and living wages; ensure that all 4 teams can operate 24/7.”
6/16/2022: As city council moves to approve tax cuts that will take money away from essential services, we are demanding that the budget for non-police mobile crisis teams is DOUBLED. TNT uplifted the message with balloons at city hall. See video here:
On Wednesday, June 1st let’s join together and use our voices to tell City Council that Philadelphians need a fully funded mobile crisis program in this year’s city budget!
Following the tragic murder of Walter Wallace, Jr. at the hands of police during a mental health crisis, our communities and movements succeeded in getting a pilot program funded last year for NON-POLICE mental health emergency responders. However, the program has been slow to roll out, and currently the plan is to keep the program small next year. But Philadelphians need these services NOW.
Please follow the directions at the link below to offer official written feedback on the proposed city budget, and to make your voices heard to specific city council members who need to be convinced of the importance of continuing to expand this program. All you have to do is send 1 email!
Written Budget Testimony Action Guide:
Treatment Not Trauma Press Conference
City Hall North Apron by Harriet Tubman Statue
Join us in calling on City Council to increase funding for Mobile Crisis Units in this year's budget. Philadelphians deserve behavioral health crisis support 24/7 across the city!
Last year Philadelphia allocated over $7 million to mobile crisis teams in a huge victory toward creating non-police responses to mental health calls to 911. However, the program has struggled to staff teams for the pilot the program and there is not enough money in this year's proposed budget to increase the number of teams. This vital program must expand. Our communities, across the city, must be able to call 911 around the clock and get a trained mental health professional for our loved ones in crisis. We deserve a care response not a cop response.
Join Amistad Law Project and members of the Treatment Not Trauma Coalition on Thursday, May 19th at 11 AM at Philadelphia City Hall (North Apron by the Harriet Tubman statue) to highlight the essential essential trauma-informed mental health services that our communities need. We’ll demand that City Council double funding in this year's budget for mobile crisis response.
We are calling for funding for mobile crisis to be double, because we want to set the program up for success.
In Philly and across the country a movement is growing for robust alternatives to policing. Philadelphia will need far more than the four teams of the pilot program. It’s time for our city to be a champion for those who experience mental health crises and for Philadelphia to become a national leader for what robust mobile crisis response can look like.
Treatment Not Trauma Rally and Press Conference
TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2022 AT 11:45 AM – 1 PM
Join the Treatment Not Trauma Coalition for a press conference at the Department of Behavioral Health's Headquarters at 11th and Market. Our communities need a fully funded non-police response to mental health crises!