purple and pink with white letters reading: treatment not trauma. Mental Health Crisis Response in Philadelphia

Image Description: Purple and Pink boxes with the text: Treatment not trauma. Mental Health Crisis Response in Philadelphia

Image Description: Purple blue and pink background with the text: We believe that Philadelphians experiencing mental health emergencies deserve a response that is: SAFE, TIMLEY, TRAUMA-INFORMED, and CLINICIAN-LED.

septa bus stop: cops do not protect us, communities do. policias no nos protegen, comunidad hace. And the quote "we are not abandoning out communities to violence. We don't want to just close police departments. We want to make them obsolete" M. Kaba

Image Description: A septa bus stop with the words: cops do not protect us, communities do. policias no nos protegen, comunidad hace. And the quote "we are not abandoning out communities to violence. We don't want to just close police departments. We want to make them obsolete" Mariame Kaba

Image Description: ambulance driving on road with pink background and text: What’s the problem? If your house is on fire and you call 911, a firefighter comes to your house. If you have a heart attack and you call 911, a paramedic comes to your house.

Image Description: Drawing of rows of police with boots, night sticks, and guns. A person dressed in yellow is between the police running away. Pink background with text: If you have a mental health crisis and you call 911, right now, the POLICE come to your house. NOT a trained mental health clinical who can address the problem.